
Developmental evaluations may be requested by a parent who has a concern for their child. 

The Battelle Developmental Inventory II is a checklist that tests developmental skills in five areas:  Adaptive (self-care and personal responsibility), Personal Social (adult and peer interaction, self-concept and social role), Communication (receptive and expressive), Motor (gross, fine, and perceptual), and Cognitive (attention, memory, reasoning, academic skills, perception, and concept development).

A developmental evaluation may also include an evaluation by a Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Vision Therapist, and/or Hearing Support Teacher if there are additional concerns.

After a parent or guardian provides written permission, an evaluation will be completed. During a typical school year, the evaluation will occur at the AASD Learning Express building or at another location where a child attends preschool or daycare. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, evaluations are currently being done through digital modalities, parent input, and observation. An IEP (Individualized Education Program) is developed and the child will begin to receive services agreed upon by the IEP team.

Please contact Allisa McCloskey at 946-8465 ext. 5227 with any questions or to request an evaluation for your child.