Transition from Birth to Age 3

One of the ways that AASD Learning Express receives children is from the Early Intervention Birth to 3 program.  These children have been receiving services from Early Intervention prior to age 3.  90 days prior to the child’s 3rd birthday, a Joint Planning Meeting is set by the Early Intervention Service Coordinator with the parents, the Service Coordinator, and the Transition Coordinator from the AASD Learning Express.  This begins the evaluation process for the child to continue with his/her services, if they continue to qualify.  The parents will be involved with the evaluation and IEP planning.  If the child qualifies for continued services, an IEP will be developed.  If the child does not qualify for any services, then he could enter AASD Learning Express as a typically developing student.  The services that children could qualify for are:  Special Instruction, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision Therapy, and Hearing Therapy.